We have access to ALL billboards in the Cedartown, GA area!
Let us help you find the perfect billboard to market your business in Cedartown, GA. We also offer free graphic design…just one call to 770-391-8528 gets you started!
Call today for your free consultation because “Your Success is Our Passion!”
Area Information:
Cedartown, GA is located in Polk County. It is home to more than 9,400 people.
Cedartown, GA is best known for its Big Spring…the second largest limestone spring in the South. It is also home to the Silver Comet Trail and Sterling Holloway, Jr. He is the original voice of Winnie the Pooh and he also filled in as the voice of Jiminy Cricket in 1973.
Cedartown, GA has a median household income of $24,562 and a median family income of $28,119.
Demographics in Cedartown, GA are 63% White, 20% African American, and 20% Hispanic.