Clever Billboards Provide A Workout

powerade billboard Atlanta billboards
The makers of Powerade don’t just want to tell consumers that their product can help recovery after a workout, they want to show it!  The company launched a series of billboards in Berlin, Germany that offer a quick workout on three billboards…one with a pull down bar, a rock climbing wall and a padded billboard consumers can punch that will show the force of the blow.  The billboard pictured above allows users to pull down on the bar and actually lift the billboard off of the ground.  The climbing wall rotates indefinitely so users can climb as long as they like.  These challenges make them thirsty, so there are street teams on hand to give out free Powerade.  It’s a great stunt because the billboards are not only eye catching and interactive, but they provide a quick workout…and who can resist a physical challenge?   Not us…bring these workouts and samples to Atlanta billboards!