We have access to ALL billboards on I-985 in Georgia.
Let our team find the perfect location to reach your customers. We take your campaign from start to finish…after we locate the best board for your needs, we help you design it for free! Then we will take care of the production and installation to get you on your way to a successful billboard campaign.
Call us today at 770-391-8528 for a free consultation.
Roadway Information:
I-985 is a 24.04 mile long highway in Northeast Georgia.
I-985 is also known as the Sidney Lanier Parkway. I-985 runs through both Gwinnett and Hall counties.
I-985 runs from southeast Suwanee (where it connects with I-85) and northeast to Gainesville, GA.
I-985 covers several Georgia cities: Suwanee, Buford, Flowery Branch, Oakwood, and Gainesville.