
Archive for Emoji movie

Emoji Billboards Change with Surroundings


Emojis are everywhere these days and digital billboards are no exception!  With the release of the Emoji movie over the weekend, the little characters went from our smart phones to the big screen. Even if you didn’t want to see the movie, with the heavy marketing campaign for it, you no doubt knew it was coming out.

Part of that marketing campaign put the little guys on digital billboards.  But the cool part about that was that the billboards were able to interact with their surroundings.  The campaign used the latest technology to display an Emoji that best represented the emotion of the people within view of the billboard.  For example, the technology was able to determine if traffic was backed up near the digital billboard or if it was raining.  If those unfavorable conditions were present, the Emoji reflected that, with the billboard showing either the devil, “meh” emoji, or even the “poop.”

On the flip side, if the traffic was flowing or the sun shining, a high five Emoji or a smiling face Emoji would come up on the display.  The billboard campaign ran in major cities all over the U.S., including here in Atlanta, as well as in Chicago, Orlando, Seattle, Dallas, Phoenix, and Boston.

Although the movie did well in its opening weekend, the reviews were less than stellar.  Many critics agreed that it was a waste of spectacular voice talents, that included Sophia Vergara, Stephen Wright, Patrick Stewart, Sean Hayes, Maya Rudolph, and Christina Aguilera.